

Chinese rice wine黄酒;中国黄酒例句The fermentation conditions of Chinese rice wine using potato as auxiliary material were optimized ( using) response surface methodology ( RSM). The Research Progress of Nutrient Composition and Functional Component in Chinese Rice Wine


山人黄酒的意味非常深远,在英语的表达不容易,山人可以说是隐身山上的高人也可以说是瓤酒乡民,试试以下三种“山人黄酒, 非常好!”说法吧!一是 Great taste of yellow liquid from mountain people.二是 Very good wine by the experienced expert in countryside. 三是 The best yellow wine of local talent maker.


听说绍兴黄酒非常著名It's said that Shaoxing rice wine is very famous.Shaoxing rice wine is said to be very famous.It is said that Shaoxing rice wine is very famous.你好!听说绍兴黄酒非常著名I heard that shaoxing wine is very famous欠边远地区厍棺秒表谒
